New submission from Mikhail Gusarov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Debian bug#501763

when using the autodoc extension similiar to this template:

.. automodule:: mvpa.misc.exceptions

the generated latex code cannot be compiled, as it uses an undefined

  ! LaTeX Error: Environment excdescni undefined.

This is supposed to be the corresponding env to 'excdesc' for exception
descriptions that should not end up in the index. It looks like this has
simply been forgotten, as e.g. funcdescni is part of

Looking at

I'd say, that the problem is still present in the current SVN trunk.

assignee: georg.brandl
components: Documentation
messages: 74646
nosy: dottedmag, georg.brandl
severity: normal
status: open
title: sphinx: latexwriter uses undefined 'excdescni' environment
type: behavior

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