New submission from Kay Hayen <>:

I am getting this:

PYTHONPATH=`pwd` /c/Python37_32/python test/
FAIL: test_do_not_recreate_annotations (__main__.OpcodeTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test/", line 45, in test_do_not_recreate_annotations
    class C:
  File "test/", line 48, in C
    x: int
AssertionError: NameError not raised

I have seen this on Linux as well. I first notices that as a regression of 
Nuitka in the CPython36 test suite. It actually took me a while to implement 
support for "del __annotations__" to make later references not fall back to the 
module "__annotation__", for 3.6 compatibility. 

However, now with 3.7 behavior is back to what 3.5 I think would have done, 
while the test is not updated to match.

I am confused now, which is the intended way for this to work? Should I follow 
this change, or will it be fixed, or am I doing something wrong in running 
something wrong here?


components: Interpreter Core
messages: 321807
nosy: kayhayen
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Del on class __annotations__ regressed, failing test
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.7

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