New submission from Terry J. Reedy <>:

For module in idlelib modules:
    Create test_module from new
    Add 'module' to docstring and import.
    Check other minimal imports.
    Create instance of each class, with requires('gui') if needed.
    Add initial coverage of this test.

I am also reviewing existing tests.

PR initially adds template, 1 new file, and edits 3 others.  Needs blurb.   I 
will add more, but will likely break this up into multiple PRs.  This should, 
of course, been done years ago.

Reviews welcome, non-Windows test would be good.  (Tal, what do you have?)

assignee: terry.reedy
components: IDLE
messages: 319501
nosy: cheryl.sabella, taleinat, terry.reedy
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: test needed
status: open
title: IDLE: Minimally test every non-startup module.
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.6, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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