New submission from hhas <>:

The Python.framework installed at '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework' should 
have a subdirectory structure similar to this:

    |-Headers [symlink to 'Versions/Current/Headers']
    |-Python [symlink to 'Versions/Current/Python']
    |-Resources [symlink to 'Versions/Current/Resources']
    | |
    | |-2.7 [directory created by 2.7 installer]
    | |
    | |-3.5 [directory created by 3.5 installer]
    | |
    | |-3.6 [directory created by 3.6 installer]
    | |
    | ...
    | |
    | |- Current [symlink to last installed version, e.g. '3.6']

Current Python.framework installers create a 2.x/3.x directory and 
Headers+Python+Resources symlinks, but fail to create a 'Current' symlink. This 
breaks the top-level symlinks and causes importing the framework via NSBundle 
to fail.

Please fix the framework build and/or install script to create the missing 

components: macOS
messages: 318926
nosy: hhas, ned.deily, ronaldoussoren
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Python.framework build is missing 'Current' symlink
versions: Python 3.6

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