New submission from Alexander Mohr <>:

while investigating I used 
tracemalloc (like I've done before in 3.5.2) to try to figure out where the 
leak was.  To my surprise tracemalloc listed stacks that didn't make any sense.

Strangest example is the top result when running the attached script against 
python 3.6.5 in the following manner: PYTHONMALLOC=malloc /valgrind/bin/python3 
/tmp/ head_object

The top hit is listed as:

21 memory blocks: 4.7 KiB
  File "/tmp/", line 28
  File "/tmp/", line 47
  File "/tmp/", line 65

how is it that the "raise" is a leak?  It doesn't make any sense to me 
specially given that no contexts are used in that call.  Further that line is 
never hit because the exception is not re-thrown.

Further a bunch of regular expression allocs don't make any sense either given 
that I've cleared the cache before doing snapshots.

if someone could shed some light on why this is/isn't a bug that would be 
great.  It seems to me that the callstacks are not related at all to the leak.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 317002
nosy: thehesiod
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: strange tracemalloc results
versions: Python 3.6
Added file:

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