New submission from Юрий Пухальский <>:

I'm using python 3.5.4.
The site gives me two headers:
<CIMultiDictProxy(... 'Set-Cookie': 'LOGIN_SESSION=deleted; expires=Thu, 
01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT; path=/;', 'Set-Cookie': 
'LOGIN_SESSION=18676-0.53621000; path=/;' ... )>
I'm using aiohttp that iterates the headers and if it's set-cookie, calls 
SimpleCookie.load(). The latter maintains a dict inside by the cookie name.

So that's what happens, first we add a dict entry with LOGIN_SESSION=deleted 
and phony expiration date. Next cookie, the valid one, gets into the same dict 
entry, updates the value to the right one, but expiration date remains in the 
past. The result is that this cookie is not used.

I don't know the good way of handling it. Maybe clear the cookie fields before 
updating the dict? Or this behaviour is intended? I think the situation itself 
is wrong, the site shouldn't be sending this, but how to cope with it?

components: Extension Modules
messages: 311544
nosy: Юрий Пухальский
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Several cookies with the same name get intermixed
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.5

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