New submission from Eric Snow <>:

In the interest of getting something landed for 3.7, so we can start using it 
in tests, I'm putting up a patch for a low-level interpreters module.  In some 
ways this is a precursor for issue #30439, which will add a proper public 
stdlib module in 3.8.

The module I'm adding draws from the ideas in PEP 554 (particularly for 
channels).  Consequently, this will also give us an opportunity to try out some 
of the semantics from the PEP to give us better ideas for 3.8.

I expect to have some follow-on patches to facilitate simpler use in tests.  
This patch is big enough already. :)

assignee: eric.snow
components: Interpreter Core
messages: 310314
nosy: eric.snow, ncoghlan, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: needs patch
status: open
title: Expose the subinterpreters C-API in Python for testing use.
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.7

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