New submission from Anran Yang:

At the end of the Functional Programming HOWTO document 
( the usage of 
reduce/lambda/for loops are compared and discussed. However, the example for 
reduce seems sub-optimal and thus the discussion is not that efficient. The 

total = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: (0, a[1] + b[1]), items)[1]

could be changed to:

total = functools.reduce(lambda total, item: total + item[1], items, 0)

which is much more readable and is actually not much inferior to the loop one 
(though the sum approach is still more concise).

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 302950
nosy: Anran Yang, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Functional Programming HOWTO sub-optimal example for reduce
versions: Python 3.5, Python 3.6, Python 3.7

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