Eryk Sun added the comment:

Py_CreateSymbolicLinkW can be removed in 3.5+ because Windows XP is no longer 
supported and calling enable_symlink() is pointless. 

The Windows API uses some privileges simply to determine which security 
principals can access a capability. Whether the privilege is currently enabled 
or disabled in the current access token doesn't matter because functions 
automatically enable it for the current thread (in an impersonation token). 

In this case, CreateSymbolicLink calls RtlAcquirePrivilege to enable 
SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege for the current thread; sets the symlink reparse 
point; and then reverts the current thread via RtlReleasePrivilege. It goes 
through these same steps whether or not the privilege is already enabled in the 
process, so there's no chance of a race condition between competing threads.

Also, as a side note, the linked blog makes the following claim, which paints 
an incomplete picture:

> However, for Windows users, due to Windows Vista’s security 
> requirements, users needed local admin rights and, importantly, 
> had to run mklink in a command-line console elevated as 
> administrator to create/modify symlinks. 

SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege can be added to a standard user account, and it 
doesn't get filtered out from the user's token. So in general you do not need 
administrator access. However, the above is describing the case for most 
developers, who use a administrator account that's subject to UAC restrictions.

nosy: +eryksun

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