Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Itamar wrote up a post describing the GC variant of this problem in more 

In particular, he highlighted a particularly nasty action-at-a-distance variant 
of the deadlock where:

1. Someone registers a logging.handlers.QueueHandler instance with the logging 
2. One or more types in the application or libraries it uses call logging 
functions in a __del__ method or a weakref callback
3. A GC cycle triggers while a log message is already being processed and hence 
the thread already holds the queue's put() lock
4. Things deadlock because the put() operation isn't re-entrant

As far as I can see, there's no application level way of resolving that short 
of "Only register logging.handlers.QueueHandler with a logger you completely 
control and hence can ensure is never used in a __del__ method or weakref 
callback", which doesn't feel like a reasonable restriction to place on the 
safe use of a standard library logging handler.

nosy: +ncoghlan

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