Cheryl Sabella added the comment:

Thanks for pointing out mapping protocol access.  That's what I was (poorly) 
trying to describe in the __getitem__ docstring in v1.  It's a really concept.

I worked on the tests.  I added some more code to the classes, so I uploaded 
that too (sorry, but I needed help understanding the functions).

Testing your Page class seemed pretty easy, so hopefully I did it right.  I 
have added more methods to the class though, which I didn't add tests for yet, 
in case it's not the right direction.

I changed the existing test to use the Changes class.  I believe I did what you 
intended, but I didn't expand it to keys and highlights just in case.

Now, my difficulty.  I had trouble trying to figure out the test for 'save_as', 
so I wanted to show you what I had so far.  You don't need to fill it out; I 
just needed to see if I was on the right track.  Writing a test without code 
was difficult since it involved other classes.  So, I copied the existing code 
into the class to see how it would fit.  Observations:
1.  The `testcfg` was a IdleUserConfParser dictionary.  I made a dummy config 
parser to override Save instead of mocking it.  I think you prefer this way of 
doing that.
2.  Page needed to know it's 'config_type' so that it (or Changes) could reach 
into idleConf.  self.main on its own didn't know which part of the  config 
files to update.
3.  Following #2, I created a 'save' module within Page.  My options were 
idleConf.userCfg[] (in Changes) or idleConf.userCfg[] (in 
Page).  Based on your LoD comment, I thought Page should know about that and 
not Changes.
4.  Split out `save_as` into another method called `changed`, also in Page.  I 
thought it made sense for a Page to say if it's changed.
5.  set_user_value is the same as before, although I changed the docstring and 
it's in Page for the vs reason.  However, this still looks 
really clunky to me.

1.  Any interest on making Page inherit from defaultdict to simplify additem?
2.  I'm not sure about the name for Page, but I haven't come up with an 
alternate.  My reason is that in configdialog, all the create functions are 
create_page_* and the names on the tabs don't match the config (eg, there's a 
General tab stored in main).  Unless you made that connection on purpose?  I 
was thinking of `page` more as a GUI item, maybe because of terms like webpage. 
 Maybe the solution is to make the functions create_tab_*?

I still haven't looked at extensions.  I should have more time tomorrow.

One note, I found a typo in the current test file.  In tearDownModule, it sets 
idleConf.userCfg to testcfg, but I think the intent was to set it back to the 
saved value, which is userCfg.



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