New submission from Stephan R.A. Deibel:

In acquire_timed in _threadmodule.c (used to implement threading lock 
acquire()) there is an optimization from
 that says it first tries non-blocking lock w/o releasing the GIL.  However, it 
seems that this call can block on Windows.

The call to PyThread_acquire_lock_timed(lock, 0, 0) (w/o releasing GIL) on 
Windows calls EnterNonRecursiveMutex which in turn, in the _PY_USE_CV_LOCKS 
impl, immediately calls PyMUTEX_LOCK as if it's not going to block.  However, 
various implementations of this seem like they can block.  Specifically, the 
impls of PyMUTEX_LOCK that end up using AcquireSRWLockExclusive and 
EnterCriticalSection both block.  The only case that is correct (does not 
block) is when !_PY_USE_CV_LOCKS where EnterNonRecursiveMutex() instead calls 
WaitForSingleObjectEx() with the zero timeout.

This seems like an incorrect potential for GIL deadlock, because the thread 
blocks without releasing GIL.  Shouldn't it ultimately be using 
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive and TryEnterCriticalSection in these two cases?

This seems like an issue on Windows only.  The pthreads implementations look 
like they correctly handle timeout of 0 sent to PyThread_acquire_lock_timed().

components: Library (Lib), Windows
messages: 296088
nosy: paul.moore, sdeibel, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Potential for GIL deadlock on Windows in threadmodule acquire_lock
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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