New submission from Nathaniel Smith:

A common problem when working with async functions is to attempt to call them 
but forget the 'await', which eventually leads to a 'Warning: coroutine ... was 
never awaited' (possibly buried in the middle of a bunch of traceback shrapnel 
caused by follow-on errors). This can be confusing, lead to spuriously passing 
tests, and generally isn't a great experience for the dev who makes the 
mistake. To improve this, I'd like to do things like have a test harness 
reliably detect when this has happened inside a test case, or have trio's main 
loop check occasionally to see if this has happened and immediately raise a 
useful error. (Unfortunately, it *doesn't* work to promote the warning to an 
error using the usual warnings filter machinery, because the warning is raised 
inside a __del__ method, which suppresses exception propagation.)

In principle this is possible with sys.setcoroutinewrapper, but that adds 
non-trivial runtime overhead to every async function invocation, which is 
something we'd like to avoid. (It's OK for a "debug mode", but "modes" are also 
a poor dev experience: they certainly have their place, but whenever possible 
it's much nicer to give a proper error in the first place instead of relying on 
the dev to realize they need to enable debug mode and then remember how to do 

Therefore I propose that CPython keep a thread-local counter of how many 
coroutine objects currently exist in a created-but-not-yet-started state -- so 
corofn.__call__ would increment this counter, and the first call to 
coroobj.__next__/send/throw would decrement it. And there's some way to access 
it e.g. via a magic function in the sys module. Then test harnesses can assert 
that this is zero, trio could occasionally poll this from its run loop and 
assert that it's zero, etc., with very low overhead.

(This is a slight modification of the version I discussed with Yury and others 
at PyCon last week; the previous request was to keep a count of how many times 
the "coroutine '...' was never awaited" warning had been emitted. The problem 
with the original idea is that the warning message doesn't fire until the 
garbage collector has collected the coroutine object, and that might not happen 
at a convenient time if we're using PyPy, or if there are cycles, or in a test 
where the missing 'await' eventually leads to an exception whose traceback pins 
the coroutine object in memory just long enough for the warning to be detected 
on the *next* test and confuse everyone. Thanks to Matthias Bussonnier for 
spurring the new idea, and see discussion here:

components: asyncio
messages: 294584
nosy: giampaolo.rodola, haypo, ncoghlan, njs, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add a lightweight mechanism for detecting un-awaited coroutine objects
versions: Python 3.7

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