Nick Coghlan added the comment:

Nice catch. This behaviour is an artifact of the ContextDecorator support in 
_GeneratorContextManager, where context managers created with `@contextmanager` 
can be used as function decorators (implicitly wrapping them in a with 
statement) as well as directly in with statements: to handle the 
ContextDecorator case, the original arguments are stored on the 
_GeneratorContextManager instance, which has the side effect of keeping those 
arguments referenced for the whole of the with statement body (due to the 
reference to the instance from the bound __exit__ method).
Martin's initial patch just unconditionally deletes those attributes in 
__enter__, which is technically correct, but *looks* wrong when reading the 
code (understanding why it's correct requires understanding the private 
_recreate_cm API used for collaboration between ContextDecorator and 
_GeneratorContextManager, and the fact that that relationship is a bit weird 
and convoluted is the main reason it's private in the first place).

My recommendation on the PR for a more self-obviously correct fix is to do the 

- add a new "allow_recreation=True" flag parameter to 
`_GeneratorContextManager.__init__` that controls whether or not the CM 
recreation attributes get set or not
- pass `False` for that argument in `_recreate_cm` so they get set to None 
- update `__enter__` to set them to None if they're not already None

The practical effect is the same as Martin's original patch, but the more 
explicit version should make it easier for readers to see what is going on 
(i.e. even when recreation is allowed during construction, the intent is that 
for any given instance, you will only ever call either __enter__() *or* 
_recreate_cm(), and once you do call __enter__(), that's it - the only 
permitted call after that point on that particular instance is __exit__()).


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