New submission from STINNER Victor:

The public IMAP server (port 993) doesn't accept TLS 
connection using our self-signed x509 certificate. The following two tests of 
test_imaplib were skipped by the issue #30175:

* test_logincapa_with_client_certfile() of RemoteIMAP_SSLTest
* test_logincapa_with_client_ssl_context() of RemoteIMAP_SSLTest

We should either remove these tests or spawn an IMAP server which accepts such 
certificate on

@Benjamin: Is there someone available to build such IMAP server on Or do you suggest to just remove the 2 unit tests?

components: Tests
messages: 292768
nosy: benjamin.peterson, dstufft, gregory.p.smith, haypo, pitrou
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: test_imaplib needs a TLS server accepting self-signed certificates
versions: Python 3.7

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