STINNER Victor added the comment: > New changeset cfc956f13ce2 by Victor Stinner in branch 'default': > Issue #28618: Mark dict lookup functions as hot >
Here are benchmark results on the speed-python server: haypo@speed-python$ PYTHONPATH=~/perf python -m perf compare_to 2016-11-15_09-12-default-ac93d188ebd6.json 2016-11-15_15-13-default-cfc956f13ce2.json -G --min-speed=1 Slower (6): - json_loads: 62.8 us +- 1.1 us -> 65.8 us +- 2.6 us: 1.05x slower - nbody: 243 ms +- 2 ms -> 253 ms +- 6 ms: 1.04x slower - mako: 42.7 ms +- 0.2 ms -> 43.5 ms +- 0.3 ms: 1.02x slower - chameleon: 29.2 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 29.7 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.02x slower - spectral_norm: 261 ms +- 2 ms -> 266 ms +- 3 ms: 1.02x slower - pickle: 26.6 us +- 0.4 us -> 27.0 us +- 0.4 us: 1.01x slower Faster (26): - xml_etree_generate: 290 ms +- 4 ms -> 275 ms +- 3 ms: 1.06x faster - float: 306 ms +- 5 ms -> 292 ms +- 7 ms: 1.05x faster - logging_simple: 37.7 us +- 0.4 us -> 36.1 us +- 0.4 us: 1.04x faster - hexiom: 25.6 ms +- 0.1 ms -> 24.5 ms +- 0.1 ms: 1.04x faster - regex_effbot: 6.11 ms +- 0.31 ms -> 5.88 ms +- 0.43 ms: 1.04x faster - sympy_expand: 1.19 sec +- 0.02 sec -> 1.15 sec +- 0.01 sec: 1.04x faster - telco: 21.5 ms +- 0.4 ms -> 20.8 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.03x faster - raytrace: 1.41 sec +- 0.02 sec -> 1.37 sec +- 0.02 sec: 1.03x faster - scimark_sor: 512 ms +- 11 ms -> 500 ms +- 12 ms: 1.03x faster - logging_format: 44.6 us +- 0.5 us -> 43.6 us +- 0.7 us: 1.02x faster - sympy_str: 532 ms +- 4 ms -> 520 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x faster - fannkuch: 1.11 sec +- 0.01 sec -> 1.08 sec +- 0.02 sec: 1.02x faster - django_template: 475 ms +- 5 ms -> 467 ms +- 6 ms: 1.02x faster - chaos: 308 ms +- 2 ms -> 303 ms +- 3 ms: 1.02x faster - xml_etree_process: 244 ms +- 4 ms -> 240 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x faster - xml_etree_iterparse: 225 ms +- 5 ms -> 221 ms +- 4 ms: 1.02x faster - pathlib: 51.1 ms +- 0.5 ms -> 50.3 ms +- 0.5 ms: 1.02x faster - sqlite_synth: 10.5 us +- 0.2 us -> 10.3 us +- 0.2 us: 1.01x faster - dulwich_log: 186 ms +- 1 ms -> 184 ms +- 1 ms: 1.01x faster - sqlalchemy_imperative: 72.5 ms +- 1.6 ms -> 71.5 ms +- 1.6 ms: 1.01x faster - deltablue: 18.5 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 18.3 ms +- 0.2 ms: 1.01x faster - tornado_http: 438 ms +- 5 ms -> 433 ms +- 5 ms: 1.01x faster - json_dumps: 30.4 ms +- 0.4 ms -> 30.1 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.01x faster - genshi_xml: 212 ms +- 3 ms -> 210 ms +- 3 ms: 1.01x faster - scimark_monte_carlo: 273 ms +- 5 ms -> 271 ms +- 5 ms: 1.01x faster - call_simple: 13.3 ms +- 0.3 ms -> 13.2 ms +- 0.4 ms: 1.01x faster Benchmark hidden because not significant (32): 2to3, call_method, call_method_slots, call_method_unknown, crypto_pyaes, genshi_text, go, html5lib, logging_silent, meteor_contest, nqueens, pickle_dict, pickle_list, pickle_pure_python, pidigits, python_startup, python_startup_no_site, regex_compile, regex_dna, regex_v8, richards, scimark_fft, scimark_lu, scimark_sparse_mat_mult, sqlalchemy_declarative, sympy_integrate, sympy_sum, unpack_sequence, unpickle, unpickle_list, unpickle_pure_python, xml_etree_parse ---------- _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: