Hynek Schlawack added the comment:

Such an idiom is IMHO not the main usefulness of this function tho.

As an (untested) example, something like

async def f(n):
   await asyncio.sleep(n)
   return n

for f in asyncio.as_completed([f(3), f(2), f(1)]):
    print(await f)

will print:


That’s *super* useful if you’re coordinating multiple independent external 
systems and need to process their results as soon as they arrive (and not once 
they’re *all* done).

Maybe it always worked by accident for me but it’s my understanding, that that 
is what this function is for (and I haven’t found another way to achieve it).

That’s why it would be nice if there’d be authoritative docs on what it’s 
supposed to do. :)


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