Xiang Zhang added the comment:

Gregory, the change adds a print in: 

./python -m test test_lib2to3
Run tests sequentially
0:00:00 [1/1] test_lib2to3
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Leaf(1, 'a')
obj: Node(star_expr, [Leaf(16, '*'), Leaf(1, 'h')])
obj: Node(argument, [Leaf(36, '**'), Leaf(1, 'i')])
1 test OK.

Total duration: 12 sec
Tests result: SUCCESS

nosy: +xiang.zhang

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