Michael Felt added the comment:

On 22-Aug-16 19:43, Eric N. Vander Weele wrote:
> Eric N. Vander Weele added the comment:
> I came across this issue while researching where to post my patch (having 
> come across this while building Python 2.7 & 3.x on AIX via xlc).
>> In general in C, if a bit-field has type “int” without a signed or unsigned 
>> qualifier, it is up to the implementation which mode is chosen.
> Unfortunately, the ISO C standard leaves it up to the compiler to decide 
> whether to default to 'signed' or 'unsigned' for non-qualified bit-field 
> declarations.  gcc defaults to signed 
> (https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.3.6/gcc/Non_002dbugs.html); however, 
> xlc defaults to unsigned 
> (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSGH2K_13.1.3/com.ibm.xlc1313.aix.doc/compiler_ref/opt_bitfields.html).
>> [...] having bitfields working regardless of the compiler should be 
>> preferred.
> However, ctypes_test assumes an unqualified bit-field will be signed.  To 
> achieve bit-fields working regardless of the compiler, declarations must 
> explicitly qualifying the sign for bit-fields.  This makes the intent of what 
> is expected explicit and avoids implementation-defined behavior that will 
> differ from one compiler to the next.
> With patch ctypes_test_sign_bitfields.diff provided, I have verified 
> ctypes_test passes on Python 2.7, Python 3.4, and Python 3.5 (on AIX & 
> Solaris).  If need be, I'm happy to provide before-&-after output of 
> ctypes_test with & without the patch applied (or verification from others 
> would be greatly appreciated).
> ----------
> Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file44189/ctypes_test_sign_bitfields.diff
I believe that there is a specific reason that M, N, O, P, Q, R and S 
are "short". For AIX/xlc at least "signed" is equivalent to "signed int" 
and not the same size as "unsigned short".

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