Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

The use of a bare identifier as a self-assigning statement is unprecedented in 
the world of Python.  PyFlakes flags it as an error (because prior to now, a 
bare identifier in a class statement was almost always an error).  I suspect 
this will cause issues with other static analysis and refactoring tools as well:

    --- tmp_enum_example.py -----
    from enum import AutoEnum

    class Color(AutoEnum):
        green = 5


    --- bash session ------------
    $ py -m pyflakes tmp_enum_example.py
    tmp_enum_example.py:4: undefined name 'red'
    tmp_enum_example.py:6: undefined name 'blue'
    tmp_enum_example.py:11: undefined name 'yellow'

Also, the usual technique of commenting out blocks with triple quotes 
introduces unexpected breakage:

    --- tmp_enum_example2.py -----
    from enum import AutoEnum

    class Color(AutoEnum):
        green = 5
        ''' XXX temporarily comment these out


    --- bash session ------------
    $ py -m tmp_enum_example.py
    [<Color.red: 1>, <Color.green: 5>, <Color.blue: 6>, <Color.yellow: 7>]
    /Users/raymond/cpython/python.exe: Error while finding spec for
    'tmp_enum_example.py' (AttributeError: module 'tmp_enum_example'
    has no attribute '__path__')

I worry that this proposal is worse than just being non-idiomatic Python.  In a 
way, it undermines pillars of the language and conflict everyone's mental model 
of how the language works.  Historically, a bare variable name raised a 
NameError if undefined and would otherwise act as a expression who's result was 
discarded.  However, as used here, it fiats an attribute into existence and 
assigns it a value.  That to my eyes looks like a new language that isn't 
Python.  This is really weird and undermines my expectations.

The need for the "ignore" parameter for the "shielded set" is a hint that the 
patch is working against the grain of the language and is not in harmony with 
Python as a coherent whole.  It is a harbinger of problems to come.

Lastly, I question whether there is any real problem being solved.  You already 
have "Color = IntEnum('Animal', 'red green blue')" that works well enough, 
doesn't mess with language norms, that works nicely with triple quotes for 
multiline entries, and that extends easily to hundreds of constants.

It seems to me that too much magic and unidiomatic weirdness are being leveled 
at too small of a problem.  Plus we already have one way to do it.

In teaching people to make effective use of the language, a key learning point 
is learning the portents of trouble to come and recognizing that that not 
everything that can be made to work should actually be done.

Please reconsider whether you really want to open this Pandora's box.  Right 
now, it's not too late.  No doubt that you will find some people who like this 
(it reminds them of C), but you will also find some very experienced developers 
who are made queasy by the bare identifier transforming from an expression into 
an assigning statement.  This more than an "if you don't like it, don't use it" 
decision, I think an important and invisible line is being crossed that we will 

P.S.  A lesson I learned from maintaining the itertools module is that adding 
more variants of a single idea tends to make the overall toolkit harder to 
learn and impairs usability.  Users suffer when given too many choices for 
closely related tasks.  The "one way to do it" line in the Zen of Python is 
there for a reason.

nosy: +rhettinger

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