New submission from Terry J. Reedy:

The last week of last February, there was a discussion of this topic on 
python-ideas as part of "How the heck does async/await work in Python 3.5".  I 
would like to re-start the discussion along with rescuing the two big chunks of 
code that were posted.

Guido, you said "it would be very useful to have an asyncio loop integrated 
with Tkinter".  Were you thinking of something added to either the asyncio or 
tkinter modules? What would be the minimum that you think would be worth 
adding?  What would a mininal test look like?

There are, of course, multiple strategies.  Maxime posted the code I copied 
into the attached  No example usage was given.  I cannot run it 
on Windows because it uses a unix-only function.

Maxime, for us to use this, you need to sign the contributor agreement, which 
can be done via the net.  See

As soon as I submit this, I will also upload my  It defines a 
TkEventLoop class that adds root.update in the run_forever method.  It then 
uses the class for working example of a asyncio callback modifying a tk widget 
at times intervals.  As I note in the doc string, there is an issue with 
asyncio's _run_once() blocking forever.  I recently noticed that does something similar, running a loop that gets user input 
with 1/20 second timeout and calling tkapp.eval('update') whenever there is 


1. Mix gui events (key, mouse, and others) with i/o events.

2. Use gui events with the new async syntax.  My simple example, in the 
callback typical of tkinter apps, has widgets, callback, and dynamics defined 
in different places.  I would like to be able to write the app in a more 
'natural' style, using loops: something like

async def display_date(interval, end_time, loop=ai.get_event_loop()):
    label = tk.Label(root)
    async for tick in timer(interval, end_time, loop):
         label['text'] =

Some python-tkinter beginners try to do something like this, except that for 
time delays they use while and time.sleep.  There have been many Stackoverflow 
questions about the resulting failures.  I would like to find out if 

I presume that converting my example to something like the above, using 
TkEventLoop, could be done easily enough by someone who knows how.

For only supporting tk events, it would be better to have a tkinter 
implementation of the needed subset of The 
run and call methods are needed, the io methods not, but I am not sure where to 
draw the line in between.  The implementation of a few methods should be fairly 
easy: run_forever is mainloop, close is destroy; run_until_complete will be 

messages: 270688
nosy: Maxime S, gvanrossum, serhiy.storchaka, terry.reedy, yselivanov
priority: normal
severity: normal
stage: test needed
status: open
title: Integrate tkinter and asyncio (and async)
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6
Added file:

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