Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

Original IDLE Dark patch: #24820. Follow-up for cross-version issues (initially 
for themes, but with a eye to keys, etc): #25313.  I intended that 'name2' be 
future proof (msg252372). I believe my idea was that if it were to point to a 
future 4th default theme that did not exist, there would be a graceful fallback 
to 'name', which defaults to IDLE Classic. But I am not sure if I tested this, 
so I should recheck.  If it does not work, a fix should go in all current 
versions. I believe the patch did achieve no warnings for older versions, as 
least on my machine. 

I would have the same goal for keys: no warning, future proof.  A test of the 
latter before committing requires two independent repositories, both with the 
patch, one with the extra definitions.  I currently have two 3.6 repositories 
and will do such a test once we have code that we think should work.

When one selects IDLE Dark as Default Theme, active or not, a subdued red 
message is displayed: "New theme, see Help".  (The latter part should change to 
a more explicit "click 'Help' below" so there is no possible confusion with the 
main menu Help. The Highlighting specific part of the popup suggests saving 
IDLE Dark as a custom theme, with a new name, This makes the theme available to 
older versions and solves compatibility problems.  The same would apply to a 
new key set.

In #24781, Mark Roseman proposed revamping the preferences dialog, both 
externally and internally.  The main idea for the Theme tab is to present users 
with a single list of available themes and (mostly) hide the builtin versus 
custom distinction.  (It cannot be ignored completely as builtins cannot be 
deleted and editing requires saving as custom.)  
https://bugs.python.org/file40111/highlight3.png has an image.  We might 
consider the same idea for key sets.


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