R. David Murray added the comment:

Personally I don't see any difference between assertCountsEqual and 
assertFrequencyCountsEqual.  The logic for assertCountsEqual is that it is 
asserting that some counts are equal in this sequence.  What could we be 
counting?  The only obvious thing is the length of the collections of equal 
elements.  'Count' was chosen because it references itertools.count, which it 
can be defined in terms of, as indicated in the docs.  The presence of absence 
of the s doesn't affect that rationale for the name.

The flaw in assertItems(Elements)Equal is that it implies that each pair of 
element is equal, implying that the *orders* are the same, which is exactly the 
opposite of the intent.

This is the kind of bikeshed that can go on for weeks on a mailing list.  I say 
leave well enough alone unless someone comes up with a simply brilliant better 

nosy: +r.david.murray

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