Ethan Furman added the comment:

With the patch:

  --> import enum
  --> class Huh(enum.IntEnum):
  ...   blah = 2
  --> Huh.blah.from_bytes(b'\04', 'big')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "/home/ethan/source/python/issue23640/Lib/", line 222, in 
      return cls.__new__(cls, value)
    File "/home/ethan/source/python/issue23640/Lib/", line 457, in 
      raise ValueError("%r is not a valid %s" % (value, cls.__name__))
  ValueError: 4 is not a valid Huh

This is not the correct behavior.  An IntEnum should act like an int, and in 
cases where it can't and still be an IntEnum, it becomes an int.  But this 
behavior is Enum specific, and I would not expect other int subclasses to need 
or want that behavior.

Also, in cases where class methods are alternate constructors there is no 
requirement that they go through the main __new__/__init__ constructors to do 
their job.

In other words, if IntEnum.from_bytes (which is inherited) is not behaving 
correctly, it is up to IntEnum to fix it -- it is not the job of int, and this 
is not a bug in int.


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