Eryk Sun added the comment: FYI, you can parse the cookie using struct or ctypes. For example:
class Cookie(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = (('start_pos', ctypes.c_longlong), ('dec_flags', ctypes.c_int), ('bytes_to_feed', ctypes.c_int), ('chars_to_skip', ctypes.c_int), ('need_eof', ctypes.c_byte)) In the simple case only the buffer start_pos is non-zero, and the result of tell() is just the 64-bit file pointer. In Serhiy's UTF-7 example it needs to also convey the bytes_to_feed and chars_to_skip values: >>> f.tell() 680564735109527527154978616360239628288 >>> cookie_bytes = f.tell().to_bytes(ctypes.sizeof(Cookie), sys.byteorder) >>> state = Cookie.from_buffer_copy(cookie_bytes) >>> state.start_pos 0 >>> state.dec_flags 0 >>> state.bytes_to_feed 16 >>> state.chars_to_skip 2 >>> state.need_eof 0 So a seek(0, SEEK_CUR) in this case has to seek the buffer to 0, read and decode 16 bytes, and skip 2 characters. Isn't this solvable at least for the case of truncating, Martin? It could do a tell(), seek to the start_pos, read and decode the bytes_to_feed, re-encode the chars_to_skip, seek back to the start_pos, write the encoded characters, and then truncate. >>> f = open('temp.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-7') >>> f.write(b'+BDAEMQQyBDMENA-'.decode('utf-7')) 5 >>> _ =; 'аб' >>> cookie_bytes = f.tell().to_bytes(sizeof(Cookie), byteorder) >>> state = Cookie.from_buffer_copy(cookie_bytes) >>> 0 >>> buf = >>> s = buf.decode(f.encoding)[:state.chars_to_skip] >>> 0 >>> f.buffer.write(s.encode(f.encoding)) 8 >>> f.buffer.truncate() 8 >>> f.close() >>> open('temp.txt', encoding='utf-7').read() 'аб' Rewriting the encoded bytes is necessary to properly terminate the UTF-7 sequence, which makes me doubt whether this simple approach will work for all codecs. But something like this is possible, no? ---------- _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: