Martin Panter added the comment: As I see it, if the client receives an early response (when 100-continue is not used) but needs to make more requests, the only choices are:
* Complete sending the request if possible, after which the connection may still be usable for a second request. But I’m not sure how many servers would support this; for your Microsoft server this would not be useful. * Abort the connection and start a new one. Perhaps the race condition would be more obvious if you sent the upload as a single 300 MiB bytes() object rather than a file. Then the sendall() call will be a 300 MiB chunk rather than 8 KiB. If the response is received after sendall() starts, I expect you will see the original two minute delay again. If this were plain TCP, you could replace sendall() with fine-grained select() and send() calls in a loop. Here is a demonstration of the SSL renegotiation issue. I used separate client and server terminal windows. I don’t know if there is a way to force renegotiation purely in Python’s SSL module, so I used an external Open SSL server. 1: In the server window, start an SSL server on port 4433: $ openssl s_server -cert Lib/test/keycert.pem 2: In the client window, start a request in the Python interpreter. It will pause to read stdin: >>> import http.client, ssl, sys >>> context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) >>> context.load_verify_locations("/usr/lib/python3.5/test/keycert.pem") >>> conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('localhost', 4433, context=context) >>> conn.request("PUT", "/", headers={"Content-Length": "4"}, >>> body=sys.stdin.buffer) 3: In the server, the request header is received. Type lowercase “r” to force a renegotiation: Secure Renegotiation IS supported PUT / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:4433 Accept-Encoding: identity Content-Length: 8 r SSL_do_handshake -> 1 4: In Python, type in upload data and repeat Ctrl+D to signal EOF until the request() call stops reading from stdin and you get the Python prompt back: abc <== 3 letters + newline + Ctrl+D >>> 5: Notice that the no body has been uploaded to the server. ---------- _______________________________________ Python tracker <> <> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: