New submission from Florin Papa:

Hi all,

This is Florin Papa from the Server Languages Optimizations Team at Intel 

The patch submitted here deprecates the spitfire benchmark, which uses psyco. 
Psyco is "unmaintained and dead", according to their website 
( and it has not received any updates since 2012. 
The spitfire benchmark crashes because psyco does not have support for x64 

To apply the patch please follow these steps:

hg clone
cd benchmarks/
copy deprecate_spitfire.patch to the current directory
hg import --no-commit deprecate_spitfire.patch

Thank you,
Florin Papa

components: Benchmarks
files: deprecate_spitfire.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 255260
nosy: brett.cannon, florin.papa, pitrou
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Deprecate spitfire benchmark
type: crash
versions: Python 2.7
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