New submission from David Becher:

Since Python 3 removed unbound methods, I found some references using the old 
terminology in this HowTo about descriptors 
( Also, since unbound methods 
have been removed, the function call types.MethodType now only takes two 
arguments, namely the function to bind and the object to bind to. In the 
current documentation, however, the old function call with three arguments is 
still being used.

I made a pull request on github, then I realized that it is just a mirror repo. 
Attached you will see a patch file with some of the obvious changes that could 
me made to the document

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
files: 21.diff.txt
messages: 253159
nosy: David Becher, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Wrong function calls and referring to not removed concepts in descriptor 
HowTo (documentation)
versions: Python 3.6
Added file:

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