Yury Selivanov added the comment:

> - accept host and port arguments being sequences and then we bind to all 
> host:port combinations. Like if len(host) == N and len(port) == M, we bind to 
> N*M sockets.

I can't think of a real life example for this.  But if you need that, you can 
always implement that on top of function that accepts multiple (host,port) 

> - accept host and port arguments being sequences and allow repetitions and 
> bind to host:port couples from zip(host, port).

I'm not sure I like this either.  This breaks one value `(h,p)` into two 
values, and passes them in separate collections to separated arguments.  Too 

My proposal is to allow the following:

   create_server(protofac, [(h1,p1),(h2,p2)])


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