Mark Roseman added the comment:

I did some followup on this today, and could reproduce it with a few lines of 
Tcl/Tk code. As Ned noted, it seems particular to the ActiveTcl build, as when 
I built my own 8.5.18 it also worked fine.

(If you're curious, the thing that is failing is the MacWindowStyle call to set 
the window to type "help". If you use that, the window just doesn't show up. 
Oddly, other types, e.g. "utility" work properly).

I tried various introspection techniques to see if I could detect that this 
problem had occurred from code, but no luck. As far as Tk was concerned, the 
window was there.

Will send a message to tcl-core list regarding this. For reference, Tcl script 
to reproduce is:

wm geometry . +32+32
toplevel .t
wm geometry .t +60+60
tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle style .t help "noActivates"
grid [label .t.l -bg yellow -text "tooltip window"]

nosy: +markroseman

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