Mark Roseman added the comment:

I'll raise the practical matter that ActiveState no longer distributes 8.4.x as 
part of its Community edition ActiveTcl, though I presume it would be available 
as part of its for-fee Business version. Therefore if someone wants to use 
Python on 10.5, it would be with 8.4.7 (from 2005), pre-installed by Apple.

The real difficulty is not so much a 10.5 vs. 10.6, but support for any PowerPC 
Macs, since 10.6 was the first version that was Intel only. The last PPC Macs 
were sold in 2006.

FYI, the ActiveTcl 8.5.x Community edition are for 10.5+, but Intel only.

Out of curiosity, are there download statistics?

At some point, I'm sure it will make sense to stop distributing a pre-built 
Python that works on PPC/10.5; which doesn't of course preclude people from 
getting it working, or someone else creating a pre-built package hosted 
elsewhere.  That's a discussion worth having of course, but somewhat larger 
than the matter here.

My personal preference would be just making IDLE not work without ttk, i.e. it 
breaks if they don't otherwise get a PPC 8.5 Tcl/Tk compiled on their machine. 
I think Terry's suggestion of a 'frozen' IDLE might work on 2.7.x, but probably 
less so on 3.x. 

Not going ahead with the improvements (or keeping code for both 8.4 and 8.5+) 
doesn't seem like a sensible choice, given the benefits to a large audience.


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