New submission from cbaud:

I'm working with the entreprise distribution Centos 6, unfortunatly the package 
pyhton3 proposed by the package manager yum isn't working. That why I had to 
install python manually, for that purpose I used pip3. Once again I had a 
problem with pip tool to install scipy, pip couldn't find blas and lapack.
The error message proposed to specify the location blas and lapack package, but 
even with that it didn't work. I found the answer on stackoverflow 
 : you have to install blas-devel and lapack-devel to install scipy with pip3. 
Nothing was scepified on the document, it could help if some comment would be 

components: Installation
messages: 246558
nosy: cbaud
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: problem to install scipy manually on Centos 6
versions: Python 3.3

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