Łukasz Langa added the comment:

Serhiy, this is 64-bit specific. Antoine, as far as I can tell, the main use 
case is: "Don't make it look like migrating to Python 3 is a terrible 
performance downgrade."

As we discussed on the language summit this year [1], we have to be at least 
not worse to look appealing. This might be a flawed benchmark but people will 
make them anyway. In this particular case, there's internal usage at Twitter 
that unearthed it. The example is just a simplified repro.

Some perf degradations were expected, like switching text to Unicode. In this 
case, the end result computed by both 2.7 and 3.4 is the same so we should be 
able to address this.

[1] http://lwn.net/Articles/640224/


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