Nick Coghlan added the comment:

The change in 2.7.9 upstream was *absolutely* the right thing for the upstream 
CPython community to do. The problem was real, it needed to be fixed, and the 
community fixed it in a way that works just fine for folks in the earlier parts 
of the technology adoption curve.

Change management for the folks in the latter half of the technology adoption 
curve is a key part of what commercial redistributors get paid for. Delaying 
PEP 476 while we figured out the details of how that was going to work would 
have been a bad plan from a community perspective, so I took a speculative shot 
at providing a very simple solution for the redistributor case and 
unfortunately missed the target.

The reason I still want to negotiate the technical details of the feature 
upstream (despite missing the mark in PEP 476 itself) is so that all of us that 
need this functionality can provide the *same* behaviour to our respective 
customers, rather than having Red Hat do one thing, Suse another, Canonical a 
third, and then cross-platform Python redistributors like eGenix and 
ActiveState also needing to figure out their own scheme. It's akin to the 
problem faced by Linux redistributors that independently provide stable ABI 
guarantees, but also aim to collaborate on backporting fixes to the *same* 
stable ABI to reduce duplicated effort:

So while this isn't a feature upstream itself needs, it's one potentially 
needed by multiple *downstreams*, so in my view it makes sense for us to work 
with upstream to come up with the "one obvious way" for redistributors to 
handle the problem (now that we know that my initial attempt at providing such 
a way doesn't work in practice).

Probably the closest precedents to this idea are PEP 394 (regarding management 
of the unqualified python symlink) and the section with recommendations for 
downstream redistributors in PEP 453 (bundling pip).


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