Alexander Belopolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added the comment:

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Brad Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Our use of range in the first few classes is exactly for iteration
>  purposes, but I do not like students to have to have too many mysteries.
>  So I always have liked to show that range(10) simply produces a sequence

.. but it does not in 3.x and your patch does not change that.
Instead, range(10) produces range(0,10) and I don't see anything
mysterious here.

>  of integers.  In Python 3.0 range returns a mysterious iteration object.
>  No thanks.  My proposal was to provide a more user friendly
>  implementation of the str method for this new range object that would
>  allow the user to see the sequence.  I like Python because it is so easy
>  to start up a shell and poke around and see what things are.

Maybe you should try it with some of your students first.  Note that
you can customize the way results are printed on the console with
sys.displayhook.   I fail to see how <0, 1, ... 9> is less mysterious
than range(0,10), particularly combined with the fact that print
representation is different from console display.  I think <0, 1, ...
9> will confuse more students than it will help.

>  I have no problem, introducing list(range(10)) in week 3 when I start
>  talking about lists, and I like list comprehensions of that purpose too.

Why would you want to talk about loops before talking about lists?
Python is not C.  In many cases for x in some_list or for i,x in
enumerate(some_list) is a better construct than for i in range(..).

>  Again, what I do not like is that things that used to be very easy for
>  students to get a conceptual handle on are now more difficult in 3.0.

With your proposed <..> display students will be getting a wrong
concept, thinking that <1, 2, 3> is yet another container in addition
to (1,2,3), [1,2,3] and {1,2,3}.

>  - range is one example the dict_keys and dict_values objects are another
>  example.  dict_keys et. al. are much easier to deal with since I've
>  already covered lists and the list() function by the time I get there.

IMHO list function is simpler than the print function, particularly in
cases when it does not print what you enter.

>  BTW, I think  we must have very different teaching styles as I would
>  never introduce something as mysterious as list(_) on the first day of
>  class.  I'd be happy to continue our discussion of teaching philosophy
>  but I doubt that this is the right forum.

Your students are probably older than mine.  I don't teach, but I
introduced my son to python when he was 10.  He is 12 now and is quite
comfortable using python as a calculator (computing 2**1000 in python
what quite an experience!)  Explaining that _ stands for the value
that just printed was easier than introducing variables (as in
x=range(10); list(x)).

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