New submission from Paul Moore:

Patch to make the user scripts directory on Windows 
%APPDATA%\Python\PythonXY\Scripts rather than %APPDATA%\Python\Scripts.

See the thread "PEP 370 - per-user scripts directory on Windows" (Feb 10 2015) 
on python-dev for discussion, but essentially this is to ensure that different 
Python versions cannot overwrite each others' package scripts when packages are 
installed into the user site directory.

Not tested, as I don't yet have Visual Studio 2015 installed. I'll try to 
obtain and install it when I get the chance.

assignee: steve.dower
components: Windows
files: userscripts.patch
keywords: needs review, patch
messages: 235702
nosy: pmoore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Make user scripts directory versioned on Windows
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.5
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