Demian Brecht added the comment:

Thanks for the patch Aaron. Unfortunately this doesn't quite fix the issue. 
There are two problems with the patch:

If a bytes object is passed into mock_open, I'd expect a bytes object in the 
output. In your patch, not only is this not the case (the output is a string 
object), but the bytes object is being coerced into its string representation 
in the resulting list. For example (simplified from your patch):

>>> data = b'foo\nbar'
>>> newline = b'\n'
>>> ['{}\n'.format(l) for l in data.split(newline)]
["b'foo'\n", "b'bar'\n"]

What I would expect to see in this case is:

[b'foo\n', b'bar\n']

nosy: +demian.brecht

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