Donald Stufft added the comment:

I've heard back from Fastly!

Specific to this particular incident, they've identified a few places where 
their own internal procedures fell short and they've rectified them. 

1. Their ticketing software saw the notifications from the Russian 
government/ISP as spam, most likely due to the Cryllic character set. This lead 
them to miss seeing the reports initially until later. They've resolved this by 
whitelisting those domains.
2. They notified the customers and then told the Russian government/ISP that 
the owner of the content as been notified. Instead they are going to ensure 
that the content in the future.

In the long term they are evaluating their own policies for how they host 
customer sites which allow user uploaded content (since those types of sites 
are the most likely to have these kinds of issues) and determining if it makes 
sense for them to require dedicated IP addresses for those customers.

For now I think Fastly has sufficiently handled the issue to not require some 
sort of backup system to need to be put in place. They are going to let me know 
how they are going to handle it long term and what, if any changes, we can make 
in our use of their service to help isolate from those kinds of issues.


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