Akira Li added the comment:

> os and socket modules already use getxxx() / setxxx() names:
> - os.get_inheritable() / os.set_inheritable()
> - os.getuid() / os.setuid()
> - os.getgroups() / os.setgroups()
> - os.getxattr() os.setxattr()
> - socket.gettimeout() / socket.settimeout()
> - socket.get_inheritable() / socket.set_inheritable()
> - etc.

egid, euid, gid, groups, pgid, pgrp, priority, resgid, sid, uid, xatrr,
hostname, timeout, sockopt are not boolean. Though
get_inheritable() spoils the pot.


  if os.get_blocking(fd): # is it a bug? Does it return some mode bits?
     # Do I need stat.IS_BLK(os.get_blocking(fd)) here instead?


  if os.is_blocking(fd):
     # it is clear that fd is blocking

There could be an argument that get_inheritable should be renamed to
is_inheritable instead.


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