New submission from juj:

When Python 2.7 executes a Node .js application that prints to stdout and 
subsequently exits, Python does not capture full output printed by that 

Steps to repro:
1. Download and unzip
2. Run run_test.bat

Observed result: The .bat script prints:

Executing 'node jsfile.js' directly from command line. The js file outputs:
Line 1
Line 2

Executing 'jsfile.js' via a python script that calls 'node jsfile.js'. Now the 
js file outputs:
Line 1

Expected result: The second run via invoking from python should also print 
"Line 2".

Tested on Python v2.7.8 64-bit and Node v0.10.28 on Windows 7 64-bit.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 223950
nosy: juj
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: subprocess.communicate() does not receive full output from the called 
versions: Python 2.7

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