New submission from David Binger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is with the current revision of py3k: 61353.

parser.suite('"\u1234"') fails with a TypeError.

Changing the argument format from "s" to "s#" works around this problem.

I added a unit test for this.  After fixing the "s#", another
bug is exposed by the same test: a string literal containing
\u1234 is mangled by sequence2st().

The last section of the patch seems to correct the second bug.

(I think getarg.c's handling of "s" has a problem
handling a unicode string containing a character whose 
encoding is not 1 byte.  It has a test for null bytes
at the end that does not work correctly.)

components: Library (Lib)
files: parsermodule.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 63482
nosy: dbinger
severity: normal
status: open
title: parser module chokes on unusual characters
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.0
Added file:

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