New submission from Steven Stewart-Gallus:

I noticed some possible bad behaviour while working on Python issue
21618 (see Python has the
following code in _posixsubmodules.c for closing extra files before
spawning a process:

static void
_close_open_fd_range_safe(int start_fd, int end_fd, PyObject* py_fds_to_keep)
    int fd_dir_fd;
    if (start_fd >= end_fd)

    fd_dir_fd = _Py_open(FD_DIR, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd_dir_fd == -1) {
        /* No way to get a list of open fds. */
        _close_fds_by_brute_force(start_fd, end_fd, py_fds_to_keep);
    } else {
        char buffer[sizeof(struct linux_dirent64)];
        int bytes;
        while ((bytes = syscall(SYS_getdents64, fd_dir_fd,
                                (struct linux_dirent64 *)buffer,
                                sizeof(buffer))) > 0) {
            struct linux_dirent64 *entry;
            int offset;
            for (offset = 0; offset < bytes; offset += entry->d_reclen) {
                int fd;
                entry = (struct linux_dirent64 *)(buffer + offset);
                if ((fd = _pos_int_from_ascii(entry->d_name)) < 0)
                    continue;  /* Not a number. */
                if (fd != fd_dir_fd && fd >= start_fd && fd < end_fd &&
                    !_is_fd_in_sorted_fd_sequence(fd, py_fds_to_keep)) {
                    while (close(fd) < 0 && errno == EINTR);

In the code FD_DIR is "/proc/self/fd" on Linux. I'm not sure this code
is correct. This seems as if it would have the same problems as
iterating over a list and modifying it at the same time.

I can think of a few solutions but they all have problems.

One could allocate a list of open files once and then iterate through
that list and close the files but this is not signal safe so this
solution is incorrect. One possible workaround is to use mmap to
allocate the memory. This is a direct system call and I don't see a
reason for it not to be signal safe but I'm not sure. One neat hack
would be too mmap the memory ahead of time and then rely on lazy
paging to allocate the memory lazily. Another solution is to search
for the largest open file and then iterate over and close all the
possible file descriptors in between. So far most possible solutions
just seem really hacky to me though.

I feel the best solution is to let the OS close the files and to set
the O_CLOEXEC flag on the files that need to be closed.

messages: 219510
nosy: sstewartgallus
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Concurrently closing files and iterating over the open files directory 
is not well specified

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