Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

On 4/20/2014 7:59 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou added the comment:
>> This is already not a rule because the devguide mentions inserting new
>> items at random positions to avoid conflicts due to another commit.
> Really?
> """New NEWS entries are customarily added at or near the top of their 
> respective sections, so that entries within a section appear in approximate 
> order from newest to oldest. However, this is customary and not a 
> requirement."""
Random is too loose for what was actually committed and I will correct 
it. Further down in the same section: "A nice trick to make Mercurial’s 
automatic file merge work more smoothly is to put a new entry after the 
first or first two entries rather than at the very top. This way if you 
commit, pull new changesets and merge, the merge will succeed 

>> In any case, the News entries are not necessarily time ordered now.
> IME, they mostly are. It's true it's not a requirement.


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