New submission from Dolda2000:

This is misfiled under "Documentation" since it affects the documentation 
peripherally and I couldn't find any better component to file it under.
To get to the point, the website seems to have certificate troubles for some 
URLs affecting the older versions of documentation. For instance, at this URL:


For me at least, it says "400 Bad Request // The SSL certificate error [sic] // 
nginx". I am also not allowed to access it over HTTP, since that just redirects 
me to the HTTPS version.

(As an aside, you may also want to fix the typo in the error message while your 
at it. ;)

assignee: docs@python
components: Documentation
messages: 216928
nosy: Dolda2000, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Home page certificate troubles
type: crash

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