New submission from Jan-Philip Gehrcke:

On FreeBSD, signal.NSIG is smaller than what the documentation promises: "One 
more than the number of the highest signal number".

On Linux, the highest numerical signal value is smaller/equal signal.NSIG 
(expected behavior):

>>> import signal
>>> signals = [s for s in dir(signal) if s.startswith("SIG")]
>>> max([(getattr(signal, s), s) for s in signals])
(64, 'SIGRTMAX')
>>> signal.NSIG

On FreeBSD (since version 7, when SIGRTMIN/MAX have been introduced), Python's 
signal.NSIG is either 32 (if defined by the system, depending on __BSD_VISIBLE, 
 or 64 (if chosen by signalmodule.c as a fallback). In any case, on FreeBSD the 
numerical values of SIGRTMIN/MAX are 65 and 126 and therefore both greater than 
Python's signal.NSIG:

Consequently, Python's signal module exposes a number NSIG which is not 'true'. 
Two disadvantages:

- signal.NSIG is just not meaningful on FreeBSD. It is part of the signal 
module's public interface, and should do what its documentation says: "One more 
than the number of the highest signal number".

- this might lead to unexpected behavior when for instance calling 
signal.signal(signal.SIGRTMAX, signal.SIG_DFL). This works on Linux, but fails 
with a ValueError on FreeBSD: raised directly by signalmodule.c, because 
sig_num >= NSIG, i.e. sig_num seemingly is an invalid signal number, although 
it is not 
( This 
is the reason why I became aware of this topic.

I see three arguments here:

- if the system does not provide NSIG via signal.h and Python's signalvalue 
makes the wrong guess (i.e. fallback to 64), then signalmodule.c would be to 

- if the system provides NSIG via signal.h and this is not the true maximum, 
then one could say that Python is not to blame.

- on the other hand, signalmodule.c is aware of all signals that it actively 
checked for and therefore could derive "One more than the number of the highest 
signal number" on its own via something in the lines of max(signal_values)+1.

Regarding the latter point: if Python misses to check for a valid signal on a 
certain platform, then this actively derived NSIG value would not be entirely 
correct, either, seen from the platform's perspective. But the signal module 
would then at least be consistent with itself.

In case of FreeBSD, I am actually not sure if signal.NSIG *is* provided by the 
system or determined by the fallback method in signalmodule.c (I can't get my 
hands on a FreeBSD machine at the moment).

What do you think?

Btw, parts of this have already been mentioned here:

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 210854
nosy: jgehrcke, neologix, sdaoden
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: On FreeBSD, signal.NSIG is smaller than biggest signal value
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.1, Python 3.2, Python 3.3

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