New submission from Mitchell Model:

I tried to build the docs for v3.4.0b1 following the instructions in the 
Doc/README.txt. My default python is v3.3. I got the following error message:
"Error: Sphinx needs to be executed with Python 2.4 or newer (not 3.0 though)."
I wondered what was weird about 3.0 as opposed to later versions that it 
wouldn't work. Fortunately I had run into other situations where tools expected 
Python 2 but wouldn't work with Python 3, so after a few minutes of head 
scratching I tried using Python 2, whi

Sphinx needs to be executed with Python 2 (v. 2.4 or newer), not Python 3

 so that it makes clear that it requires Python 2 not Python 3 and puts the 
grammatical emphasis where it belongs.

More importantly, perhaps, the Doc README should be changed to state that make 
must use Python 2.

assignee: docs@python
components: Build, Documentation
messages: 207029
nosy: MLModel, docs@python
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: slight ambiguity in README.txt instructions for building docs
versions: Python 3.4

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