New submission from Song Ma:

In my platform I have to disable Unicode support in Python 2.5.1. The
"configure" file provided a option "--enable-unicode=no" to allow me to
do so. However, If I ran the configure with that option and then make,
the following error showed:
Python/ast.c:3168: undefined reference to `PyUnicode_DecodeRawUnicodeEscape'
Python/ast.c:3170: undefined reference to `PyUnicode_DecodeUnicodeEscape'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [python] Error 1

Python 2.4.4 can be compiled with this option and works well. Since
"ast.c" was newly introduced in 2.5.1. Maybe we need put MACRO
"Py_USING_UNICODE" in ast.c for function "decode_unicode()". Otherwise
it needs to modify the "configure" file to forbid "--enable-unicode=no".

However in ast.c "decode_utf8()" is using "Py_USING_UNICODE" to make it
"pluggable" for not supporting utf8. Why not do the same thing for

components: Build, Unicode
messages: 61573
nosy: songma
severity: urgent
status: open
title: Python 2.5.1 compile failed with configure option "--enable-unicode=no"
type: compile error
versions: Python 2.5

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