STINNER Victor added the comment:

2013/10/6 Raymond Hettinger <>:
> I recommend that tracemalloc focus exclusively on real allocations and ignore 
> freelisting.   The former are interesting because they directly affect 
> performance.  Freelists on the other hand are close to being free (as in 
> beer).

The version of tracemalloc available on PyPI has patches to disable
completly freelists or trace usage of freelists. It is important in
Python 2 because some lists had no limit, especially int types. The
version I wrote for Python 3.4 does not anything on freelists.

Did you read the source code of the repository on

> Measuring the freelist usage (or disabling it and then measuring) makes the 
> proposal more complex than necessary and doesn't provide useful information 
> (freelisting is no more interesting to track than saving a value in a static 
> variable).

I would be nice to add metrics on freelists: number and size. Using
tracemalloc, I'm trying to trace any byte. Such metrics can be
optional (ex: a new method added to the Snapshot class).

sys._debugmalloc() does already print all free lists. It should not be
hard to write these information into structures, as I did for pymalloc

Adding a method to read memory usage once is different than
maintaining a structure (hash tables) to know that status anytime.

> Another suggestion is to expand the API to provide a way to identify a 
> potential performance killer:  the number of reallocs() than result in a new 
> pointer (because the data moved).

I can add a global counter for each allocator (malloc, realloc, free)
and each domain (raw, mem, obj). But I don't want to add a counter per
trace, it would have a price on performances and memory footpring.

> If you use hash table code from another project, be sure to check its 
> licensing.

Done: see


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