Damien Marié added the comment: Here is a new patch featuring: _ a setting to disable idle i18n _ a documentation
Things needed: _ taking into account Windows (where IDLE is mainly used) _ a much in-depth translation of the interface: Context-menu, dialogs, ... _ unit-testing it To test it by yourself without touching your /usr/share/local you can modify the binddomain() (in i18n.py) to another dir: Like " gettext.bindtextdomain('idlelib',"/home/you/your_trans_dir/") " And put in this dir the "en" dir in the tar file. The .mo generation is explained in the module documentation. So, here is a tar archive with: _ a screenshot of the patch in action _ the patch _ the trans dir to try it by yourself _ the .po file (thanks to Olivier Berger) ---------- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file29965/patch.tar.gz _______________________________________ Python tracker <rep...@bugs.python.org> <http://bugs.python.org/issue17776> _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.python.org/mailman/options/python-bugs-list/archive%40mail-archive.com