Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

>"Python 2" should be enough.
I thought about that. Agreed.

"make -C Doc xxx" will not work with make.bat. Perhaps "7.6.1. Using make" 
should be expanded to "7.6.1 Using make on unix" and "7.6.2 Using make on 
Windows" added. Then the directory assumption could be put in the latter. But 
see below.

I super agree that all the doc building modules should work on 3.x, or at least 
3.3+, so a freshly built 3.x can build its own docs. But until they do, we need 
to document what works now. I added a note on #10224.

OK, add 'suspicious' to the unix list and the Windows difference is reduced. 
(By the way, suspicious.cvs for 3.4 has 22 lines now.)

I presume that unix make *also* has a 'checkout' target, but it is just not 
mentioned because the other targets list it as a dependency so it gets called 

If so, the unix/windows difference would be reduced further if checkout were 
listed in the master list, with a note that explicit 'make checkout' is only 
needed on windows. I think that should be the first target listed, with update 
following. The last two targets that do not work on Windows could have 'Unix 
only'. Then a separate Windows section might not be needed -- though a 
paragraph about setting PYTHON would still be needed until it is not needed.

Yes, make.bat add /build, etc, as needed.
if not exist build mkdir build
if not exist build\%1 mkdir build\%1
if not exist build\doctrees mkdir build\doctrees
(It is really a nice .bat file.)

The line about making /build oneself is in the section about *not* using make. 
Perhaps this section was written before make.bat? Does Mac lack make? If not, 
this section might be recast as explaining what make does.


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